Your Guide to the Reality of Animal Circus

"The academic panel concluded that there appears to be little evidence to demonstrate that the welfare of animals kept in travelling circuses is any better or worse than that of animals kept in other captive environments" - Executive Summary of the DEFRA Circus Working Group 2007

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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wake up America! (from "Sawdust and Spangles")

Logo for the United States Animal and Plant He...Image via Wikipedia "Wake up America!  The Infiltration continues .... Why is Sarah L. Conant serving as the chief enforcer for APHIS within the USDA? Her last employer (assuming she is no longer still collecting a check from them) was the Humane Society of the United States. HSUS is the world's largest animal rights organization, yet nobody said a word when USDA hired her. Why not?"

- Spangles and Sawdust Blog

This is certainly disturbing news. APHIS = "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" of the USDA = US Dept of Agriculture = not somewhere you want to find an HSUS employee (ex or otherwise ....... foxes and chicken coops etc)

Sadly in a world gone mad it almost certainly would be a case of discrimination if Conant were refused the position, but we are talking about someone opposed to animals in agriculture being put in a position of power over food production = PC madness!

For the full story please click here "Wake up Call"

Astley's Legacy was formed to counteract the misinformation spread by the animal rights agenda but in addition to fighting the corner for circus animals I think there is also a further need to promote and celebrate the circus in general, especially in Great Britain. For more information please see our Facebook group
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