Image via WikipediaAmazing! This year it would appear that the so-called Independent newspaper have really got the
animal rights bug, especially when it comes to the soft target of animals in captivity. They got a taste for attacking animal circuses in a big way after being fed a lot of information, misinformation and disinformation from animal rights groups in the lead up to a debate in Parliament over the use of
wild animals in circuses. Then without any sense of irony whatsoever, two of their journalists wrote two gleaming reviews for two nostalgic documentaries in the Time Shift series ("All the Fun at the Fair" and "When the Circus Came to Town") that looked back a the impact of the travelling fairs and circuses in the UK. The paper has been criticized before for changing from a broadsheet to a tabloid and for furthering radical ideas from the left. It is Rouster's opinion that
left/right politics really aren't the issue when it comes to discussing animal rights and
animal welfare. However, many animal rights philosophers have tried to pervert leftist ideas towards
Animal Rights ideology. In order for one to really do this, you have to first accept that animals are eligible to have rights in the same way as humans do. The Independent clearly took the bait with gusto when it came to their campaign and petition to get wild animals banned in circuses. But when these two documentaries put across the very true point that the
travelling exhibition and show institution were practices regularly built up through the
working classes to provide entertainment for the working classes, it predictably hit the right nerve in a different way.