1990. Dr Marthe Kiley-Worthington, one of the worlds
foremost animal behaviour experts, publishes a book titled “Animals in Circuses and Zoos: Chiron’s world?” . “Chiron was a centaur, half man half horse,
symbolising the joining together of humans and animals. Is this close
relationship what is happening, or what could happen, between people and
animals in circuses and zoos?” The book
contains the results of an 18-month scientific
study of circus animals, in comparison with animals in zoos and in the wild, commissioned
by the RSPCA and UFAW (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare). The summary of the results is as follows:
“After 3000 hours of scientific
observation of animals and many visits to circuses and zoos, including
training, travel and performance, Dr Kiley-Worthington concludes that, while
there are improvements that must be made, circuses do not by their nature cause
suffering and distress in animals. She states, "On balance, I do not think
that the animals best interests are necessarily served by money and activities
diverted to try and ban circuses and zoos either locally or nationally. What is
much more important is to continue to encourage the zoos and circuses to
improve their animal welfare along the lines recommended."”