Your Guide to the Reality of Animal Circus

"The academic panel concluded that there appears to be little evidence to demonstrate that the welfare of animals kept in travelling circuses is any better or worse than that of animals kept in other captive environments" - Executive Summary of the DEFRA Circus Working Group 2007

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Monday, 6 February 2012

Child Exploitation Part II

English: Photograph from the records of the Na...Image via Wikipedia
In the blog last year Rouster pointed out the double standards shamelessly exhibited by animal rights groups such as CAPS  who are prepared to claim that performing animals are exploited, but seem not to be concerned with the exploitation of naïve young children to further their political aspirations. Recently yet another disturbing example has been brought to our attention.  The video below shows yet another enthusiastic animal rights activist parent not adverse to exploiting their children in the interests of furthering their own agenda.

Whilst not condoning the apparent abuse of these animals seen on the video Rouster's attention from the issue is distracted by a different kind of abuse on display. 

Clearly scripted and prepared for the shoot, this poor young girl is being coerced by her parents and pushed into a bad emotional state. One has to wonder at the motivations behind this very cynical exercise and why the parents did not make the video themselves.

Not surprisingly this individual has blocked any comment on the You Tube page and as always hides behind a pseudo name.

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