Your Guide to the Reality of Animal Circus

"The academic panel concluded that there appears to be little evidence to demonstrate that the welfare of animals kept in travelling circuses is any better or worse than that of animals kept in other captive environments" - Executive Summary of the DEFRA Circus Working Group 2007

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Monday, 14 November 2011

The ASPCA’s dead horse - New York Post

ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement Division patchImage via Wikipedia I am happy to see that more journalist are beginning to see the way animal rights ideology is impregnating mainstream thinking. As we have discussed many times on this blog, AR gets its initial support by hi-jacking environmentalism and humane/animal welfare groups. The ASPCA like the British RSPCA is a prime example of this sort of process. Both have swayed back and forth off the animal welfare/animal rights barrier. This report by the New York post observes how no less than a veterinary advisor employed by the ASPCA effectively lied about the demise of a carriage horse. It traces the incentive for this falsehood back to the increasing influence of groups like PeTA (People for the ethical Treatment of Animals) and HSUS (Humane Society of the United States).  

Wrong Approach to Animal Rights - Washington Times

The Washington Times newsroomImage via WikipediaOnce in a while you get a journalist that sees through the smoke and mirrors of Animal Rights propaganda. In the UK we had the lone voices of Dominic Lawson and Andrew McKie give the argument for the defence against the backbench push for a ban on wild animals in UK travelling circuses. Recently in the US ADI (Animal Defenders International) spearheaded a press campaign with Rep. James P. Moran to launch legislation that would effectively ban the use of wild animals in US circuses. Most journalists just love the emotional content of "people protecting animals" and the use of celebrities like Jorja Fox and Bob Barker. It's an easy story and an easy job. Circuses are a minority in the grand scheme of things and therefore a soft target. However, there are those who have experience with good animal circuses who would argue that this is unfair. This is great and I would say they largely have science on their side. However, there are also those like Washington Times journalist Charles W. Stenholm who sees the real issue here. The animal rightists and their attempt to appear reasonable and "moderate"...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Channel 4 Action News Report

Elephants performing at the Ringling Bros. and...Image via WikipediaAs Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus visit Pittsburgh audiences were treated to a rare news item on circuses that did not smack of animal rights propaganda. Admittedly this particular report is as biased as hell, but it at least provides an elephant trainer, Joe and Joey Frisco, and the circus they work for, Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey, with an opportunity to put their side of the story forward.

And so they should. After a decade of a focused legal attack on the alleged mistreatment of their animals by Born Free USA, backed up by several other animal rights organizations, RBBB have vindicated themselves in court. A common animal rights tactic is to plant an undercover operative in an animal establishment. This is how they obtain

Monday, 7 November 2011

More Feedback on June 2011 "debate"

Silent MajorityImage by cbcastro via FlickrBecause the words of other angry citizens of the UK are usually drowned out by the shrill and aggressive opinions of animal rights supporters, the internet provides us with an opportunity to set the balance right. Previously I posted up feedback from a supporter of the British circus who took huge issue with the "debate" on 23rd June in Parliament regarding a movement to ban wild animals in travelling circuses.  The same writer, who wishes to remain anonymous due the potential of receiving death threats or violence from the animal rights movement, contacted me with her further comments of this rather ludicrous discussion that has provided impetus for the various animal rights organizations in the UK to push for a ban on wild animals in circuses. The writer, whilst clearly impassioned and emotional about the whole issue, makes some valid points, which I think readers of this blog will find interesting...

Friday, 4 November 2011

US Circus "Witch Hunt" Begins

Persecution of witchesImage via Wikipedia    U.S. Congressman Jim Moran (D-Virginia, 1991-p...Image via WikipediaOur gratitude to "The Circus No Spin Zone" for alerting Rouster to the below video and the inspiration for the title of this post. On 2nd November the UK animal rights group ADI (Animal Defenders International) were invited, along with PAWS and celebrities Bob Barker ("The Price is Right" and Jorja Fox "CSI"), by Virginia congressman Jim Moran, to back the Travelling Exotic Animal Protection Act. This bill is clearly targeted at travelling circuses as it exempts zoos, aquariums, research laboratories and rodeos. Circuses were the only example of a transient exhibition mentioned throughout the conference.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Animal Rights or Animal Wrongs? How far would YOU go? by Anna Webb

Sympathetic (red) and parasympathetic (blue) n...Image via Wikipedia
 Anna Webb's presents an excellent little essay discussing the knee-jerk reaction and cultivation of emotions of the animal rights philosophy. She presents a wonderfully succinct argument that puts forward the case that the animal rights movement snares susceptible ground supporters through extremist propaganda - referred to as "animal porn" rather cynically in some animal rights circles - and then works around an irrational philosophy. This latter point is interesting, given that the author of "Animal Liberation", Peter Singer, is an atheist and has done a good job of seducing secular academics. Singer likes to position the Animal Rights argument as an example of how science can be considered to be more ethical than religion. Unfortunately despite Singer's credentials as an evolutionary biologist his argument for Animal Rights is not one that corresponds with mainstream scientific opinion. What he has done is to create a dogma of his own and shrouded it in science. Ayn Rand pretty much did the same thing with her "cult of rationality", Objectivism. Stalinism and Maoism are also comparable. They are all atheist-based or secular philosophies, but are warped by a type of absolutism that is far removed from the methods of science...

Eurojust and Europol Hold Joint Conference on Animal Rights Extremism

Europol building in The HagueImage via WikipediaMy apologies for the tardiness of this post. Sadly the fact that this press release has only just come to our attention seems to be further proof of the lack of interest our media has in the investigation into the activities of animal rights activism

The Animal Liberation Front  has long been listed on the FBI's top 10 domestic terrorist threats. It is comparable with the "Earth Liberation Front", which has been listed as the number one domestic terrorist threat.